What is the Leader-s letter about?
[01] Hadith Explanation by Imam Khamenei | Trustworthiness in Gatherings
Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei explains and elaborates a Prophetic narration about trustworthiness.
Sacred Defence: The Armies of the Islamic Republic | Farsi sub English
Hujjatul Islam Shaykh Qasemi explains the types of armies and forces in IR.
The First Step | Shaykh Alireza Panahian | Farsi sub English
The First Step | Shaykh Alireza Panahian #Letter4u2 #LetterForTruth #LetterofLight
The power dynamics of the Islamic Republic | Farsi sub English
Hujjatul Islam Shaykh Qasemi elaborates on the power dynamics, source of authority, and media institution in Iran.