Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei narrates and explains a tradition narrated from the Messenger of Allah (S), the holy Prophet Muhammad (S), where his eminence (S) tells us all about, "The Priority Of Relatives Regarding Your Charity".
Is Mustahab and recommended Sadaqah and charity valid for a person who has relatives that are Faqeer and in need?
Who all is considered to be a relative in Islam?
At what point can one give Mustahab and recommended Sadaqah to people who aren't one's relatives?
What does this teaching tell us about the Islamic construct of a society?
What does 'Sileh Rahm' mean?
And is there only one way to do 'Sileh Rahm'?
And finally, what are some of the issues surrounding the Islamic concept of "The Priority Of Relatives Regarding Your Charity"?
Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei expounds upon the wise words of the Messenger of Allah (S), the holy Prophet Muhammad (S), where his eminence (S) says to the true believers about "The Priority Of Relatives Regarding Your Charity".